Watched Jeetender Kumar's boxing quarterfinal match today. We (office folk) came to Barista (yes during office hours) especially to watch the match. Asked the Barista folks to turn off the radio/music and increase the volume of the television. Soon everyone inside the coffee shop got pretty excited and was glued to the TV set. Saw a guy punch in the air!. I am sure no one knew even a single thing about boxing, myself included but everyone was like '
maar sir par' (hit the head), '
jaat buddhi saala' (pyaar se bol rahe dhe), 'knock out'. Sushil Kumar won a bronze during the day, so obviously there was added hope from the boxer. The bugger disappointed! But that's not the point.
At the same time you had the second one day cricket match between India & Sri Lanka. The match was in an exciting phase and we are all cricket fans (have our open while we work!). The point is if you have heroes in other sports(Abhinav Bindra & Sushil Kumar and now Vijender as I write this), you will follow that sport too. Yeah, I know its a chicken and egg problem but am sure you get the point.